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DataSunrise Database Security on Amazon AWS Big Data Blog

DataSunrise Database Security on Amazon AWS Big Data Blog

DataSunrise is AWS Advanced Technology Partner. DataSunrise is able to protect more than 30 types of different databases. One of these databases is Amazon Redshift. When using DataSunrise you can protect Amazon Redshift database(s) both actively and passively. Active database protection is based on predefined security policies, which prohibit unauthorized access to sensitive data, block suspicious SQL queries, prevent of SQL-injection attacks.

There is a new post on AWS Big Data Blog about how you can protect and audit PII data in Amazon Redshift with DataSunrise Security.

The article describes why users need active security for their Amazon Redshift databases and what DataSunrise masking does. The post also describes how to get started with DataSunrise. Other sections of the article are devoted to creating a dynamic and static data masking rules. Creating a security/access control rule and using DataSunrise audit and compliance policies are discussed at the end of the article.


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