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Database Auditing in CosmosDB for PostgreSQL

Database Auditing in CosmosDB for PostgreSQL

Data breaches in the United States have skyrocketed more than sevenfold over the past decade, climbing from 447 incidents in 2012 to over 3,200 in 2023. This dramatic surge highlights why database auditing has become crucial for organizations using CosmosDB for PostgreSQL.

Understanding Database Auditing and Sensitive Data Discovery

Database auditing serves as your organization’s security backbone. It monitors and records database activities, helping protect sensitive information from unauthorized access. When working with CosmosDB for PostgreSQL, proper auditing becomes essential for maintaining data integrity and compliance.

Modern database environments require comprehensive monitoring solutions. Organizations must track user activities, data modifications, and access patterns. This helps identify potential security threats and ensure regulatory compliance.

Identifying Critical Data for Audit Purposes

Finding the right data to audit requires a strategic approach. Organizations should focus on several key areas:

Sensitive customer information needs constant monitoring. Financial records require special attention to maintain compliance. Employee data must be protected to prevent unauthorized access.

Third-party security tools enhance native auditing capabilities. DataSunrise offers advanced features that complement CosmosDB’s built-in functionality. Together, they create a robust security framework.

Implementing Auditing Solutions with Native tools

Native tools provide basic auditing capabilities.

Native database auditing in CosmosDB for PostgreSQL relies primarily on the PGAudit extension. Additionally, CosmosDB provides a web-based interface with built-in auditing configuration tools, which we will explore in detail below.

Configuring Diagnostic Settings for PostgreSQL Cluster
Configuring Diagnostic Settings for PostgreSQL Cluster. Enable PostgreSQL server logs by selecting the checkbox to capture PGAudit logging data. Use the Destination Details section to specify the storage location for your audit logs (such as Log Analytics Workspace, Storage Account, or Event Hub).

The  Audit diagnostic settings look as follows in the list. Note that it is possible to add more diagnostic settings.

Audit diagnostic settings for PostgreSQL cluster
Audit diagnostic settings for the PostgreSQL cluster.

Let’s look at the audited information for the sample query like the following SELECT:

select * from citus.cosmosdb_tutorial.github_events ge;
PGAudit log output showing audit results in CosmosDB
PGAudit Log Output in CosmosDB. The log displays standard PGAudit output format specific to PostgreSQL. While functional, this native logging format differs from other database systems, potentially complicating multi-database environments. DataSunrise addresses this challenge by providing standardized audit logging across all supported database platforms, enabling unified security monitoring and compliance reporting.

Effective Auditing Solution with DataSunrise

Dedicated third-party solutions offer more comprehensive protection. These tools help organizations meet complex compliance requirements.

DataSunrise’s security system stands out in the market. It provides real-time monitoring and advanced threat detection. The platform seamlessly integrates with CosmosDB for PostgreSQL.

Implementing database auditing in CosmosDB for PostgreSQL follows a structured three-step process. First, create your CosmosDB PostgreSQL instance. Next, configure an Audit Rule with customizable filters and comprehensive monitoring parameters to ensure robust security coverage. Finally, access and analyze your audit results through the Transactional Trails interface, where all captured database activities are displayed in a detailed, searchable format.

DataSunrise Transactional Trails dashboard showing audited events list
DataSunrise Transactional Trails page. The page displays a comprehensive list of audited database events with interactive functionality. Click any event to access detailed audit information, including timestamp, user data, and query details. Export (reporting) capabilities allow conversion of audit trails to CSV format, enabling integration with custom analytics pipelines and security information and event management (SIEM) systems.

Before configuring audit rules, running a sensitive data discovery scan is recommended. This first step helps find important data that needs protection. It allows for careful setup of audit and data masking rules. This ensures the best security and data compliance.

Advanced Features for Enhanced Security

Modern auditing tools use artificial intelligence and machine learning. These technologies help identify unusual patterns and potential threats. They also streamline the process of sensitive data discovery.

DataSunrise employs learning rules and ML-based user behavior analysis. Data Discovery feature helps organizations quickly identify sensitive data requiring protection. The system adapts to new threats and evolving security requirements.

Compliance and Regulatory Considerations

Organizations must comply with various data protection regulations. Proper auditing helps meet these requirements effectively. It provides necessary documentation and proof of compliance.

DataSunrise supports uniform auditing across multiple database platforms. This consistency helps organizations maintain compliance across their entire infrastructure.

Summary and Future Outlook

Database auditing in CosmosDB for PostgreSQL remains crucial for data security. Organizations need comprehensive solutions to protect sensitive information. Combining native tools with specialized security platforms provides optimal protection.

DataSunrise leads the industry with cutting-edge database security solutions. Our platform offers comprehensive features including advanced auditing, intelligent data discovery, and vulnerability assessment. These tools help organizations maintain robust security while ensuring regulatory compliance.

Vulnerability Assessment Dashboard showing CVE findings
Vulnerability Assessment Dashboard page. The security scan results highlight CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) findings across the database infrastructure. In this instance, the CosmosDB for PostgreSQL deployment reveals 14 identified security vulnerabilities requiring attention. The vulnerability assessment tool enables proactive security management by identifying potential threats before they can be exploited.

Experience the power of DataSunrise’s security solutions firsthand. Visit our website at for an online demo and discover how we can enhance your database security infrastructure.


Impala Audit Trail

Impala Audit Trail

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