DataSunrise Masking for CockroachDB
DataSunrise Masking for CockroachDB enables you to obfuscate sensitive data when you need to share a part of sensitive data with a third party. Data Masking helps you to avoid data leakage and data exposure. Also, thanks to it you will be sure that your sensitive data is safe and that your company is compliant with different national and international data security rules.
DataSunrise provides dynamic masking for CockroachDB. It is a useful tool when you need to provide access to your database with sensitive information for testers, development reasons, or marketing analyses. The whole data masking process is governed by rules and policies. Queries from unauthorized queries return only fake data. Dynamic data masking obfuscates sensitive data on-the-fly. It changes data in real-time, at the moment of a query. It means that sensitive information in your production database remains the same. But at the same time, there is no need to create a copy of a database with obfuscated data as for Static Masking. Dynamic masking saves storage memory, and you do not need to update the information every day or once in a while.
Dynamic Masking has obfuscation algorithms for the data types such as:
- Credit card numbers
- Dates
- Emails
- Medical information
- Time, and others.
With DataSunrise Data Masking for CockroachDB, you will be sure that your sensitive data is safe and protected from unauthorized access.