What is Partitioning?
Partitioning involves dividing large database objects, like tables, indexes, and views, into smaller, more manageable parts. This method improves data organization, making it easier to manage large datasets and enhance performance, especially for complex or voluminous data.
The main advantages of partitioning are better controllability, performance, and availability. It allows administrators to optimize and maintain different parts of the database independently, improving query efficiency and system uptime while enabling more targeted management strategies.
- In some cases, partitioning improves performance when accessing the partitioned tables.
- Partitioning can play a role of leading columns in indexes, which decreases index’s size and increases the possibility of finding the most sought indexes in the memory. When a big part of one section is used in the resultset, scanning of this section can be performed much faster than an occasional access to the data spread across all the table by index.
- Massive uploading and deleting of data can be done by adding and deleting sections, which helps to increase the performance.
- Rarely used data can be uploaded to more cheap data storage devices.

In DataSunrise, partitioning is used for splitting Audit Storage database’s tables to sections (smaller tables). The Audit Storage is a database which is used to store results of the DataSunrise’s Database Activity Monitoring.
- Makes administering of the Audit Storage more simple, because partitioned data is distributed by partitions according to the time of partitioning. The database administrator can disable partition querying, archive them etc.
- Increases performance when accessing, retrieving data, writing data to the partitioned tables;
- Increases performance when deleting obsolete audit data from the Audit Storage;
DataSunrise supports partitioning for the following types of Audit Storage databases:
- PostgreSQL
- MS SQL Server
Partitioning Parameters
Can be found in System Settings -> Additional parameters.
- Partitions Length (days) – partition length, days (if AuditPartitionShort == 1, then minutes). Can be found in System Settings -> Audit Storage. If Partitions Length is changed, all the partitions created in advance would be deleted and new partitions would be created with new Partition Length parameters.
- AuditPartitionCountCreatedInAdvance – number of partitions created in advance. Thus, empty partitions created to be filled in the future. This enables DataSunrise to write data to existing partitions without delays;
- AuditPartitionFirstEndDateTime – date/time of the first partition end. This time is required for adjustment of partition boundaries around “round” value. For example: monday 00:00:00 (for partition length is 7 days).
Partitioning in Modern Data Environments
Partitioning has become essential in big data environments. Many cloud platforms offer automatic partitioning options. AWS Redshift uses distribution styles for optimal data arrangement. Azure Synapse employs distribution methods to enhance query performance. Partition works well with data lakes storing petabytes of information. It allows for faster data retrieval in business intelligence applications. Many organizations implement time-based partitioning strategies. This approach works well for historical and time-series data. Proper partitioning reduces costs by optimizing storage utilization. It also improves compliance with data retention policies.
Effective Data Distribution Strategies
Creating effective database distribution strategies requires careful planning based on access patterns and business requirements. Range organization works best for sequential values like dates, allowing teams to quickly access recent data while archiving older information.
Hash distribution spreads data evenly across storage segments, ideal for load balancing in high-concurrency environments. List-based approaches organize records by specific categorical values, making them perfect for geographic or departmental segmentation.
Many organizations implement hybrid methods, combining multiple distribution techniques to maximize performance benefits while minimizing maintenance overhead. Regular pruning analysis ensures queries consistently target only the necessary data segments, delivering optimal performance as data volumes grow.
Partition Management in DataSunrise
DataSunrise includes partition management mechanisms: DataSunrise creates additional tables required for operation (for PostgreSQL), creates and maintains updated partitioning functions, partitioned schemes, file groups and indexes (for MS SQL), modifies keys and indexes to be compliant with partitioning requirements (MySQL), enables partitioning, creates and deletes partitions.
SELECTs are performed through master table. INSERT/UPDATEs are performed directly to partition (except MS SQL Server). This helps to increase writing speed.
Partitions’ and Tables’ Names
Partitions for PostgreSQL are organized as children tables named <table_name>_p<datetime>, where <table_name> is master table, <datetime> is the upper boundary partition time in the following format: YYYYMMDDhhmm.
For MySQL, partitioning is implemented using native mechanisms. Partition names are formed according to the following scheme: p<datetime>, where <datetime> is the upper boundary partition time in the following format: YYYYMMDDhhmm.
For MS SQL Server, partitioning is implemented through scheme.